Numerous sub-species exist with differing plumage, travelling behaviour and making use of varying kinds of Cycles. There is a multitude of different steering and propelling mechanism, in varying shapes and sizes. The British Cyclist may also put ornaments on its instrument (such as baskets, panniers, trailers and seat arrangements to name a few common ones). These are typically for hauling goods or carrying its offspring.
This great variety confuses the British Society and results in regular displacement activity such as On-looking (otherwise rare in British Society) and Uneasy Giggles. Calls of "Get off the road" and "Get off the pavement" have also been observed. These territorial calls not only highlight the squeezed nature of its habitat but can also be used to alert you that a British Cyclist is in the vicinity for your close inspection. Other signs of the presence of a British Cyclist are the chirpy calls of "Pay road tax" and "Where's your helmet". Both are linked to the mystification and anxiety of British Society around the British Cyclist, its sub-culture, activities and legal status.
Urban obstacle course for using 'bunny hopping' skill |
It's possibly worth noting here that the British Cyclist is partial to keeping moving due to its personal investment in the energy of the propelling motion. At the times of Rush Hour and School Run, when the British Motorist stands still, the British Cyclist can usually be seen to make good progress (albeit in a generally smoggy environment owing to the British Motorists non-self propelling nature).
Combined with a constant squeeze on habitat and little habitat creation planned for the future, it's red-listed on the British Government's Modal Split table (a participation and popularity index of all Transport species). Once abundant, its numbers plummeted in the 50s and 60s and have stubbornly remained very low over the recent decades, possibly due to counteractive conservation methods. There's much that could be done for the protection of the species. But it's so neglected now that conservation efforts simply rely on sharing and good will for its continued existence.
Unreliable patchy habitat |
The unreliable extent of its habitat has most certainly contributed to the evolution of its familiar Sense of Righteousness (not to be confused of the Sense of Entitlement by the more dominant British Motorist) and its typical displays of Irony and Sarcasm. It is probably the most sarcastic species in British Transport with various calls of Irony and Sarcasm (too various to list here), but definitively equalling if not exceeding the Public Transport species' typical "No bus, then three at once".
Confrontational 'Take the Lane' |
Reliant on a confrontational survival mechanism putting it into head-on conflict with the dominant species of the British Motorist, it is not surprising that male numbers in the British Cyclist are considerably higher than female ones. The British Cyclist therefore heavily relies on cross-breeding with other Transport species and its offspring may never grow up to be British Cyclist.
Sometimes the British Cyclist takes to the Pavement in an attempt to advance its travels beyond its own patchy habitat, but runs into problems there, as this habitat clearly belongs to the British Pedestrian.
The British Government can only create habitat for the British Cyclist where there remains sufficient space for the British Motorist to continue its well-established fast business and its shell-discarding ritual.
Habitat invasion |
Another Government-led habitat creation scheme is called ASL. Its high aim of being a habitat solely designated for the British Cyclist, is somewhat lessened by the complexity of its operation and bizarrely it's for the stationary British Cyclist only. For it to function it also crucially relies on the cooperation of the somewhat dominant British Motorist. The ASL habitat works well if the British Cyclist can locate one (a sixth-sense tracing instinct is required), or once located can find access into the habitat space. Upon entering the ASL habitat, the British Cyclist may then find the habitat occupied by a British Motorist. This habitat invasion, specially after an exhausting search and execution of a tricky access manoeuvre, can trigger a Sense of Righteousness. Loud remarks of Irony and Sarcasm may also be heard then. Obscene gesturing and uttering of expletives can occur, though this may be linked to the higher levels of adrenaline so common in Active Transport species.
Another habitat creation scheme is called Cycle Path, though this is largely uncommon in Britain for 1) it being expensive per person (due to the very low numbers of the British Cyclist) and 2) it falling within the British Motorist's highly-protected territory of fast roads and busy roundabout, which are also the Deadly Battlegrounds for the British Cyclist. Irony and Sarcasm, as well as species exodus result, in turn resulting in Irony and Sarcasm.
Last but not least, there is Shared Space, which is the least well comprehended habitat creation scheme. On this rare occasion the British Government has expressed mistrust in the British Motorist to act in an acceptable sharing manner. This mistrust however works in favour of the British Motorist and Shared Space habitat, common in the Land of Hope and Glory, is rarely created.
Calls from British Society to the British Cyclist to be more visible have little to do with British Society caring for its well-being. In another familiar befriending gesture the British Motorist is eager to identify itself as a "keen cyclist itself" but a look at the numbers does not support this claim. Overall the British Motorist remains the main predator of the British Cyclist, killing about two a week, and maiming many more.
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